
Real Estate Scams, Fraud & Deception

Pigs, Butchery and Cryptocurrency in Real Estate Law

The scam name ‘pig-butchering’ is derived from the practice of farmers fattening the pigs before they are slaughtered. In this scam, individuals are lured in by a text message from…

Real Estate Scams, Fraud & Deception

The Dark Side of Technology—How Artificial Intelligence Fuels Real Estate Law Fraud

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various industries, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. However, like any powerful tool, AI can also be exploited for nefarious purposes. In recent years, there…

Real Estate Scams, Fraud & Deception

Stolen Identity and Property Sold—Real Estate Title Fraud and Risk Reduction

Real estate title fraud is on the rise—this occurrence happens when fraudsters steal ownership of a home in order to benefit from its value. You receive notification that one of…

Real Estate

Title Insurance—Tell Me More

Congratulations! You are now a property owner. Before you celebrate this important milestone in life, did you inquire about the importance of Title Insurance in Ontario? If not, now is…

Real Estate

Artificial Intelligence and Real Estate Law

2023 was the year of Artificial intelligence. Microsoft Invests $10 Billion in Chatgpt Maker OpenAI ChatGPT Creator OpenAI Debuts New GPT-4 AI system New ChatGPT Emerges With ‘Claude’ Nvidia Touches…

Scams, Fraud & Deception

Click Me—Link Baiting Scam

You open your mailbox and read the first email, which appears to be from your bank. Immediate Action Required Curious and concerned, you click on the email. The hyperlink redirects…

Real Estate

Why Title Insurance?

This is a question we occasionally get from our clients when we meet with them to sign their closing documentation. In general, most people are familiar with other kinds of…

Real Estate

Beware: Recent Decision Reaffirms Caveat Emptor

Caveat Emptor, or buyer beware, is a fundamental principle in Contract Law that places the onus on a buyer to examine the property that they are buying for any defects…

Renting Property

City of Mississauga Abandons Second Unit Licensing

City of Mississauga Abandons Second Unit Licensing in Favour of a New One Time Registration Process The City of Mississauga has recently made fundamental changes to the way that it…

Wills & Estates

Testamentary Freedom: Spence et al. v. BMO Trust Company

In Ontario, the law gives testators the freedom to distribute their property freely.  Testamentary freedom is the concept that a testator, in making his or her own will, has the…